Thursday, October 1, 2009

LORD GANESHA WAS a real miracle[Aliens]

Bhagwan Ganesh was a real miracle of science which science has ever created on earth till today.PARVATI [WIFE OF BHAGWAN SHIV] Created him by the wax of her ears. She did it without the help of her husband in her husband's long absence. Bhagwan shiv used to go on long journeys for space exploration. When he returned home and met Ganesh. Bhagwan shiv did not know who GANESH was and cut Ganesha's head. WHEN Parvati told him that GANESH was his son. Bhagwan Shiv argued how was that possible in his long absence. Parvati told him the truth. Actually Ganesh was a clone of Parvati. As we know that wax of our ears contains epithelial cells. Clone can be produced by epithelial cells now-a-days. Then what was the miracle in producing a clone [Ganesh]?. Actually clones are the identical copies of donor of cells . If clone is developed from a male's cell clone will be a male and if develop from a female cell it will be a female. Ganesh was developed from a female [Parvati'S] cell and should be a female. Genetic engineering has made it possible to alter the genes in a cell. But till today genes of sex determination have not been altered. Parvati not only produced a clone of herself but she also altered its sex. And this was a miracle even to Bhagwan Shiv who him self was the greatest genetic engineer and was known to be producing amazing MUTANTS and ROBOTS in his lab. Parvati explain how she produced Ganesh' clone. When Shiv was convinced that parvati was telling a truth and realized that he had destryoed the greatest Mutant ever produced he compensated it by doing another miracle. He did a miracle surgery over Ganesh' body and implanted an elephant's head over it. thus Ganesh was the product of several miracles. This rarest of rare miracle[Ganesh] would have been given due attention in the world. WE REALLY DID THE SAME.Actually that is why we the Hindus very rightly worship him even before Bhagwan Ram, Krishan and even before his creater Shiv.He is 'PRATHAM PUJNIYAY' to us not because he was the son of Shiva and Parvati nor as he was co- creater of VEDAS and other sacred books but because he himself came into existence due to the combination of several scientific miracles even almost impossible for todays science.


  1. ஐயா மருத்துவரே உடனே நீங்கள் நல்ல மனநல மருத்துவரை அணுகுங்கள் !

  2. Thank you Anil for sharing your thoughts. Somehow it seems convincing if one agrees with the concept and theory of aliens. There is a full fledged documentary produced by History channel known as 'Ancient Aliens'. This documentary explores the concept you have thrown light on in the above post. I would highly recommend you watch it
